The quest for the perfect surfboard is an ongoing adventure in the world of surfing. Every surfer dreams of finding a board that feels like an extension of themselves in the water, elevating their surfing to new heights.

Specific boards stand out among the myriad choices for their innovative design, performance, and the sheer joy they bring to every ride. The Chilli Rare Bird surfboard is one such marvel, a creation that has stirred the waters and captured the attention of surf enthusiasts worldwide.

In this deep dive, David will guide us through the nuances of the Chilli Rare Bird to understand what makes this board a must-try for surfers across the spectrum.

Explosive Ride from Takeoff to Landing

The Chilli Rare Bird is not your average surfboard. It promises an explosive ride from the moment you catch a wave until the ride concludes, in whatever fashion.

This board injects speed into your surfing, enabling quick takeoffs and maintaining momentum through every wave phase.

The thrill of surfing is magnified with the Rare Bird, as it transforms even the most mundane waves into exhilarating experiences.

Versatile Froth Machine

One of the Rare Bird’s most commendable aspects is its versatility. This board shines in various wave sizes, from minor to medium, making it an ideal choice for surfers looking for a single board that can handle multiple conditions.

Whether you’re paddling out to catch gentle rollers or steeper waves, the Rare Bird adapts easily, ensuring fun and frothy rides every time. Its ability to excel in different types of waves speaks volumes about its thoughtful design and construction.

Speed and Fun

Speed is a defining feature of the Rare Bird, positioning it as one of the fastest all-rounders a surfer can ride. The sensation of effortlessly gliding across the water’s surface adds an element of pure joy to the surfing experience.

This board is not just about getting from point A to point B; it’s about savoring the journey, filled with swift transitions and lively maneuvers. The Rare Bird promises a surf session and an unforgettable aquatic adventure.



Despite its many strengths, the Rare Bird does have limitations. Some surfers, including David, have noted a tendency to drift during bottom turns in larger, more powerful waves.

While the board is exceptionally versatile, it may not be the ultimate choice for those looking to tackle big-wave surfing.

Additionally, the largest standard model available may not offer enough volume for a significant segment of the surfing population, suggesting that surfers with a preference for boards with greater buoyancy might need to look elsewhere.

David Rides

David’s experience with the Rare Bird at a volume of 35.85L offers valuable insights into the board’s performance. Riding the 6’2″ model, he highlights the board’s exceptional speed and maneuverability, even in less-than-ideal wave conditions.

David’s enthusiasm is palpable as he describes the board’s capability to turn sharply in the pocket and maintain speed across flat sections.

His testimony adds a personal dimension to our understanding of the Rare Bird, illustrating its potential to enhance the surfing experience for riders of similar build and skill level.

Best Wave Type

The Rare Bird finds its sweet spot in shoulder-high to slightly overhead waves. These conditions allow the board to demonstrate its prowess, offering punchy, steep rides without limiting itself to only the most powerful waves.

This range of suitability makes the Rare Bird a versatile companion for surfers exploring different spots and conditions without switching boards.

Whether the waves flatten out or offer a steep challenge, the Rare Bird adapts, ensuring that surfers enjoy quality rides.


When we compare the Rare Bird to other boards like the Channel Islands’ 4′ by Al Merrick, Haydenshapes Hypto Krypto, and Von Sol Shadow, its unique qualities come to the forefront.

Each of these boards brings something unique to the table, from the ripping versatility of the Channel Islands’ 4′ to the flowy speed of the Hypto Krypto and the innovative design of the Von Sol Shadow.

The Rare Bird holds its own in this esteemed company, offering a blend of speed, fun, and versatility that appeals to a wide range of surfers.

Design and Features

The Rare Bird’s design elements, such as its more comprehensive outline, foam distribution, and tail design, contribute significantly to its performance. The board’s wide point is forward, a characteristic that enhances its performance in smaller waves by adding volume and buoyancy where it’s needed most.

The round tail and the quad fin setup are also crucial to the board’s agility and responsiveness, enabling sharp turns and smooth transitions. These design choices reflect a deep understanding of surfing dynamics, ensuring the Rare Bird delivers an exceptional ride.


The Chilli Rare Bird surfboard is a testament to the creativity and innovation that defines the surfing world. Its speed, versatility, and fun blend make it a compelling choice for surfers eager to push their limits and explore the vast possibilities within each wave.

While it may have drawbacks, such as a slight drift in more giant waves and a volume cap that may not suit everyone, its strengths far outweigh these limitations.

For those searching for a board that promises exhilarating rides across various conditions, the Rare Bird by Chilli Surfboards is undoubtedly worth considering.


1. What makes the Chilli Rare Bird surfboard unique?

The Chilli Rare Bird stands out for its explosive speed from takeoff to landing, versatility across a wide range of wave sizes, and ability to deliver fun and fast rides. Its design incorporates a broader point forward and a round tail, contributing to its excellent performance in small to medium waves.

2. Is the Chilli Rare Bird suitable for beginners?

While the Rare Bird is a versatile and fun board, its performance characteristics and speed make it more suited to intermediate to advanced surfers who can handle its quick responsiveness and exploit its capabilities in various wave conditions.

3. Can the Chilli Rare Bird be used in big wave surfing?

The Rare Bird excels in shoulder-high to a few feet overhead waves. However, it may drift a bit during bottom turns in giant, more powerful waves, suggesting it might not be optimal for big wave surfing, where stability and control are paramount.

4. What are the limitations of the Rare Bird surfboard?

One of the main limitations is the board’s performance in more giant waves, where surfers might experience drifting on bottom turns. Additionally, the largest standard model’s volume may not be sufficient for surfers who require more buoyancy, limiting its suitability for a significant portion of the surfing population.

5. What are the best wave conditions for the Rare Bird?

The Rare Bird performs best in shoulder-high to slightly overhead waves. It is designed to handle punchy, steep waves and flatter conditions, making it a versatile option for various surfing environments.

6. How does the Rare Bird compare to other surfboards?

The Rare Bird can be compared to other all-rounder surfboards like the Channel Islands’ 4′, Haydenshapes Hypto Krypto, and Von Sol Shadow for their versatility and performance in average wave conditions. It holds its own with its unique blend of speed, maneuverability, and fun, offering a distinct surfing experience.

David is the visionary founder of, a dedicated surfer with over a decade of experience riding waves across the globe. With an unwavering passion for the sport and a deep understanding of what makes a great surfboard, David created to guide fellow surfers through the complex world of surfboards.

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